Thursday, April 30, 2009

More postings on

The latest listings (again no salary range) are up on Because I know many employed or unemployed journalists read this blog, I'm just doing my part to spread the word. (Do yourself a favor and don't tell them I sent you).

I did love this line from the posting for the new sports "director":

"Act as a true champion for digital journalism..."

A little cliche, unless of course the writer meant to capitalize "Champion" because it referred to the proper last name of one of the bosses.

It also appears that there is a conscious effort to not use the same titles as in the print world. In other words, "Editor" has become "Director."

Can't wait to see what they call a "reporter." Maybe a "content producer" or something sexier like, "digital information provider" or maybe, "digital word champion."

But if you are looking for work and are willing to wearing a ball cap on backwards....


Anonymous said...

Most likely, this comment isn't going to see the light of day, but here it is anyway ... the salaries are going to be what the salaries are. There's too many people who are out of work and need a job. It will be a personal decision as to whether they want to work for X wage or not. We'll go through the process and make our own decisions.

There will be no gun being held to anyone's head demanding they accept what you might perceive as a less-than-acceptable salary.

I don't understand the obsession with the thirst for all the info about the jobs, salaries, etc. If they ( can't fill the positions over time they'll get the message that perhaps the wages and benefits (yes, benefits) they are offering won't be competitive and need to be adjusted.

Everyone in this business, I think, realizes this isn't going to be the way to make the big financial score. We do this because of a love or calling to the profession. The fact that we can potentially get paid for a new start-up like this is pretty attractive.

You're living too far in the past, when you worked for a company that operated in different times -- both technically and financially. Times changed, you haven't. They served you well and you enjoyed a good ride. Enjoy your retirement and let the newcomers deal with the reality of the day. The market will dictate whether this experiment in Ann Arbor is going to work or not.

Unknown said...

TYPO ALERT! You used "their" instead of "there," thus allowing your blog to live up to its name! :)

inky said...

Roughly translated, I suspect that "act as a true champion for digital journalism" means that the winning candidate will happily write, tweet, blog, photograph and videotape 24/7 for the low, low salary of $22,000 in an expensive college town.

Meanwhile, the "content director" will blithely spew more mind-numbing platitudes from his office while simultaneously asking the community to serve as unpaid tipsters.

But that's just a wild guess.

Jim of L-Town said...

I know the difference, just in too big a hurry. I've never said I didn't NEED editors, just that I'm free from them.


Jim of L-Town said...

Oh, and I fixed the error.

otis said...

From Anonymous 12:41 "The fact that we can potentially get paid for a new start-up like this is pretty attractive."

There is a difference between a start-up and a start-over. is the latter.

I respect anyone's right to work for food stamp wages. But I don't think Zingerman's takes 'em.

Anonymous said...

"There's too many people who are out of work and need a job."

You must have read Dearing's endearing comment in the Ann Arbor Observer: "It's a buyers market -- a lot of journalists are looking for jobs," he said. What you should also note is that Tony will get what he pays for, and $25,000 won't suit even you long-term.

"I don't understand the obsession with the thirst for all the info about the jobs, salaries, etc."

You obviously have no bills to pay. Mommy and daddy must have taken care of you very nicely at u-m. But even you could be cut off eventually.

"The fact that we can potentially get paid for a new start-up like this is pretty attractive."

Small pay at start-ups is not unusual b/c you have the potential for big payoff down the road. That's the reason start-ups are attractive, you get to create something with a huge payoff in the end. That won't be the case here, should this turn profitable as I expect it to. You'll still be making $30,000 in 5 years (if you're lucky) while they take in millions. Or you'll move on, they'll hire someone equally as cheap with no knowledge of the community as you, the product won't serve its readers well, and it will fail.

"let the newcomers deal with the reality of the day."

First thing you'll learn is that paying the bills is the reality of the day. In the meantime, hope you don't get injured or sick or pregnant or burned out from all the long hours, meaningless day-to-day grinding assignments like typing in calendar listings. Reality happens to even the best intentioned and most skilled of us. Good luck, though.

inky said...

I am responding to Anonymous 12:41, who says, "I don't understand the obsession with the thirst for all the info about the jobs, salaries, etc."

First, it's hard for a journalist or ex-journalist not to ask these questions when their friends and colleagues have been put out on the street and news is going uncovered. Thank goodness the Free Press Pulitzer team didn't mind being "obsessive."

Second, I avoid companies like WalMart because many of their employees are paid so low that they qualify for government benefits (paid by me) while the Waltons and executives live like kings. (Or as kinglike as you can live in Bentonville, Ark.)I simply refuse to sell my neighbor down the river to save five cents on a can of corn. But as you say, maybe people who think like me are living in the past. If that's the case so be it.

Finally, I believe the media is obligated to set a certain standard for ethical behavior. So, if the content director of can live in a mansion in this so-called "start-up," then the company can provide sustainable wages and benefits to employees.

Anonymous said...

thanks anon for your comment. i'm glad there are thoughtful people like you watching the progress of i confess i found this blog via a comment on and have been really disheartened by the tone here.

on the one hand i'm excited by the opportunities is offering for web savvy, young journalists at the beginning of their careers. here's a chance to be a part of something that could revolutionize local news and be a model for other cities. on the other hand, blogs like this give me a sinking feeling that many in the ann arbor community are rooting for this new venture to fail.

whatever the age or financial situation of the people who eventually end up joining the team, i wish them the best and i wish the community would adopt a wait and see attitude because if this venture fails it will have repurcussions beyond ann arbor.

Anonymous said...

Love the weenie passive aggressive types who start their posts with, "You'll never print this" or "This isn't going to see the light of day." Then think it was their challenge to you that got it posted, ignoring the fact that you post contrary comments all the time.

Anonymous said...

I will predict there will not be an in 2 years. This is not the way. Good luck though. Ya'll gonna need it.