Sunday, December 4, 2011

More photos from the past

Here's another fun Journal photo from the past (three publishers ago). Once again Tom Cheek makes the photo. He's the one behind Shrek. It's a small size photo and won't get bigger if you click on it.

A geezer photo outside the soon-to-be former Flint Journal building

(l-r) Tom Cheek, Kim Crawford, Steve Kleeman, Dan Shriner,
Larry Gustin, Ron Krueger, David Graham, Ed Backus and Dick
After lunch last Thursday a group of retired Flint Journal geezers gathered in front of the building to snap a group photo. It actually took two photos to get us all in, because a couple folks went inside to visit while the first photo was being taken.
(l-r) Tom Cheek, Ron Krueger, Jim Miller, Ed Backus, Dean Howe,
Kim Crawford, Dan Shriner, David Graham, Jim Smith, Steve Kleeman, Dick Noble.

In total there was about 450 years of journalism experience photographed above and at lunch Thursday. Missing from both photos is Gene Mierzejewski, whose name I always believed should be the spelling test for all new reporters.