Friday, September 12, 2008

Journal editorial exhibits double standard

Flint Journal editorial hypocrisy has been discussed here before (, but an editorial posted on Sept. 12, 2008 really takes the cake.

In the editorial:

The Journal says a school district should not use advertising on buses for the sake of the children. Good enough. Makes sense. However, the Journal delivers its product to schools every week under the Newspaper In Education program.

Guess what, those newspapers are full of advertisements, many directed at young people, and they didn't bother to say that's a bad thing.

Might have something to do with the NIE program and its importance to the overall circulation numbers of the newspaper. The newspaper loves sending those papers to schools because it inflates its circulation numbers, which in turn allow them to charge advertisers more money. Or maybe they are just concerned about another competitor for ad dollars.

So my beef isn't with the content of the editorial, but in the fact that I doubt the newspaper will follow its own advice and decline to send the newspapers to the schools out of concern for hurting the children.

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