Thursday, December 11, 2014

A not too encouraging view of newspapers in the digital age

Not much has been happening on the newspaper front, but this article was a pretty good read on some of the tried and failed newspaper efforts in the recent past.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, a good read indeed. And one that easily could've delved into the MLive story for some supporting fodder, though it doesn't have a pimply-faced former digital media millionaire manboy at the helm. One small criticism of the article: its POV was that reporters and employees of companies targeted for turn-around have some sort of a say over their new owner. Not only do they have no say whatsoever, realistically, they also can do little, if any, critical reporting of same in their own paper. A reporter might be able to do a quick-hit interview of a maid at the new owner's second home in the Hampton's two weeks before the owner assumes control of the paper, but it's lights out afterwards -- or else.