Thursday, June 18, 2009

Linking to competitors, newest sign of newspaper surrender

One of the huge changes in journalism may be the white flag that newspapers are now waving to the broadcast competitors.

Recently there have been stories on the MLive site that simply link to a broadcast outlet's coverage of a breaking story. In the "old days" this would have been unthinkable. Editors and reporters would have scrambled at any time, day or night, to pull together their own sources and do their own coverage.

It appears that once the newspaper reporters have done their own reporting, sometimes a half a day later, the story with the link is updated and the link to the broadcast account removed. That is apparent because when I try to link to the broadcast link story, it simply comes up with the new account done by the newspaper staff. It would be a little more honest to leave up the original post and then add your own coverage when it becomes available.

This just seems to be another concession by the newspapers that they are not able to cover the breaking news like they once did and have surrendered that to broadcast outlets.


Anonymous said...

tv and radio used to "rip and read" from the stuff newspapers did, sometimes word-for-word ...

now, newspaper Web sites "click and lift" from TV.

brave new world.

Anonymous said...

If you're building an online audience, you want them to come to your site several times a day and be able to find all of the coverage of something, whether it is by the FJ, the Washington Post, ABC 12, whatever. Link to everything. If TV stations put up embeddable video, why not embed it? If they didn't want places to link to it, they wouldn't make it embeddable. I'm sure they won't complain about the added page views.

Anonymous said...

It's not bad to be the place for your one-stop shopping.

Jim of L-Town said...

One stop shopping, like going into a Chrysler dealer and seeing a display of GM vehicles that you can buy from someone else.

Handy, yes. Convenient, sure. A good business model. Yikes.

Anonymous said...

One-stop shopping?

Never mind the flaw in that concept. MLive has been more of a Blue Light Special since Day 1.