Saturday, April 25, 2009

Secret company, seeking new reporters, staff

A company listed as 'confidential' is seeking reporters and a variety of other individuals for the publishing business. Here's another ad for a graphic designer.

A commenter sent this version.

Wonder why this is "confidential." There is nothing as secretive and non-transparent these day than a newspaper company. It is a pathetic example they are setting. Besides the ads really make it clear who this is.

Also no listing for wages either. I'm going to apply under an assumed name and see if I get a call and find out what they are paying.

Recently, the Flint Journal did a great story (now pratically a series) on the appointment of a former politician to an $89,000 a year parole board position by the governor. The issue in the story is that the State hired this person without posting the job or competitive interviews.

Just like Booth does.

To be clear, it is wrong no matter who does it. Just interesting that it only gets written about when it is someone else.

Besides, we all know what this is about. It's about getting rid of the high-priced help and replacing with cheap.


Anonymous said...

See the email address

Anonymous said...

Gee, who could that possibly be? There's a display ad in the Ann Arbor News today on F8 of the classifieds, advertising for reporters, sports reporters, sales reps, and others, as well as "interactive media opportunities."
On a separate note, someone keeps posting a suggested beat area to for a 'get rid of Laurel Champion' beat. And it keeps getting removed, predictably. Pretty funny.

FactO'erFiction said...

Individuals to "Excel?"
At the "FLING" Journal?
Can't wait to see the caliber ...

Anonymous said...

the gal has a steno pad for the brave new world of multi-media reporting?


better bring one, don't think they provide reporter pads anymore.

and on those wages, she can't afford a laptop. bosses will have them, but won't know how to use them completely or effectively.


Jim of L-Town said...

That's a really good observation about the notepad.

An iPhone, Blackberry or laptop would have been a much better choice.

Anonymous said...

If the current pay scale is any indication and it's more likely that it would be less, than those brave, new part-timers better be prepared to live on $10-$12 an hour with little or no health benefits.

There are fast food restaurants near here who pay $8 - $9 an hour and the hours and working conditions are better.

It'll be a great job for someone who doesn't have rent or education bills to pay.

Anonymous said...

How about jobs that are going to last a few months, if that? The bottom of the comics page of Sunday's Ann Arbor News (posted above the urinal at an Ann Arbor restaurant's bathroom) was seeking young people for Ann Arbor News paper routes. Do they really need more delvery people? ... unless this is going to morph into delivery jobs as well.

Anonymous said...

Yup weve all seen the advertisement. Nice huh. I still want to know who came out ahead in this deal, cause somebody did.