Saturday, April 25, 2009

First come the layoffs, now the new hires

If you looking for something to be curious about today, as it relates to the new Booth world of publishing, head over to Inside Out and read about how they are now running house ads looking for new people.

So you tell people you are downsizing, dump the long-standing lifetime job pledge and then start advertising to replace those folks you didn't need.

Stop over and take a read.


Anonymous said...

Why should anyone be surprised? Haven't we already seen time and time again how vile and ruthless Booth management is? Anyone with a shred of integrity still working in Bay City, Saginaw and Flint should walk out now! Leave of your own accord and with some pride because it's only a matter of time before they throw you out, too.

Anonymous said...

Would it all go down if everyone walked out now?