Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Story on school district includes suspect editing

I'm not one who should necessarily point out the typos of another, although the readers here are 'helpful' in pointing them out, but because of a comment on a story posted on the Flint Journal Mlive site it may be instructive of the lack of editing of stories before they go online.

Here's the paragraph (in case it gets fixed later):

"It said the districted needed to better use technology in the classroom and do a better intregrate new students in the cirriculum."

If my math is any good at all that's three misspellings in one sentence. I should acknowledge that I didn't find this on my own, it was sent to me offline to my e-mail.


Anonymous said...

You get what you pay for.

And I Mean It.

inky said...

They are literally boiling down News and Freep content and slapping it up on the site. But they're doing it so carelessly that they're baking in typos and factual errors. It's embarrassing, not to mention that if the Freep or News makes an error it just gets passed along.

Anonymous said...

Still hasn't been fixed as of 11:38

Cooley's Dictum said...

Poor editing -- poor policing of comments. Blatantly racist comments are allowed to remain too long -- if removed at all.

Anonymous said...

2:58 and still not fixed.

I saw all the racist remarks in the court room battle video story. Glad all those people can get their news free online.

Anonymous said...

But as the editor says, "All is well. Nothing to see here. Move along. All is well."

Anonymous said...

Still not fixed at 4:13 pm.

pam said...

The districted needed to better use technology in the classroom to do a better job teaching students to SPELL so when they go out in the real world and get jobs they don't look stupid.