Monday, March 23, 2009

Circulation and distribution likely hardest hit

A couple folks have called and written to tell me that the mood is grim at the PDC where the drivers and others have learned they will be making much less, very soon.

All the drivers will be laid off and then could be hired back on new contracts with much less lucrative terms. The union drivers are apparently history.

More as it comes in.


Anonymous said...

Ok, here's the scoop in Circulation. ALL District Managers are being laid off May 31st, with a small severance and no insurance. These managers can choose to work through September at 75% of their former pay if they choose. The company will then replace them with part-time workers and may re-hire some of the former managers at approximately $13.00/hr.
Word is that circulation management will still remain intact at 25% less pay and reduced benefits. Without naming names, there are a couple Circulation management folk who are extremely lucky to be working ANYWHERE with their poor work ethic and condescending attitudes, let alone keeping their job while better workers are let go. Typical Journal management protecting their own.

Anonymous said...

What a sad day for all the employees at all the papers affected by this. I can only speak for The Flint Journal, but this is especially true for those workers there who actually put in a full day's work for their pay, have integrity, loyalty, and have been there for so many years, while others who are phony, corporate suck-ups only do what they need to do to get by. Right to the bitter end, this once fine company is protecting those least productive among them. It's only a matter of time before this lack of management foresight will drive the paper completely out of business. If only the Newhouse folks had the intelligence to speak with the people who actually have kept the company going for this long with their heads held under water by management. Sadly many of the same incompetent managers are basically all that will remain. The only good thing is, maybe they'll find out what it's like to actually work.

Anonymous said...

They are losing some really good workers there.

The full timers in the PDC were told today that they will be laid off on May 31st too.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope the FJ has had the incredible sense to keep their wonderful "strategic thinker" in place. He did so many wonderful things for the paper. (yes, I of course am joking was the input of the strategic thinker. His receiving a salary was outright theft!)

Anonymous said...

I would like to know why, when in our meeting the publisher told us that management was going to be cut severely, not ONE member of management has been laid off like so many others? Surprise, surprise.

Anonymous said...

One group that isn't mentioned much in these comments is the hard-working bundle haulers, motor and single copy drivers, and carriers. These people are all going to take a 50% pay cut at minimum and many will lose their jobs completely. The ripple affects of this decision will definitely hurt the already devastated Flint area economy.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another union bust to me.
Come on all you union people, are you going to let this happen. Boycott the flint journal.
A real nice gutless touch by letting the local Tv news putting the FJ plans out before they told there employes...typical fj management.

Anonymous said...

A slap in the face for our years of dedication.
There are some fine people I feel lucky to have known and worked with all these years. God bless all of you.