Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ricardo Montalban R.I.P.

In honor of Ricardo Montalban - a true working actor - here is a 9 minute, 45 second segment from Star Trek. (Also notice the young female officer working on the bridge who later starred in the great Cheers series). I came late to Star Trek, but was a big fan, although I never went to a convention. I borrowed this from a Facebook entry, which had borrowed it from YouTube.


Anonymous said...

That's Kirstie Alley.. I was just watching this movie a couple of nights ago on HBO. The best Star Trek movie. The best Star Trek villain. RIP Ricardo..

Anonymous said...

Ricardo Montalban will be greatly missed. He was one of my faves. Burt Reynolds once said one of his greatest regrets was that he did not possess Mr. Montalban's dignity.