Sunday, March 30, 2008

Guess I told him...

I love it when a reporter from New York comes to town and disses both Detroit and Flint as being dangerous. Rich, eh?
So I posted a comment on his blog at his New York newspaper.
Here's the link:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Statistically, Detroit and Flint are dangerous cities. It would be difficult to deny that. But it's not like people are being randomly cut down on the streets in broad daylight. The majority of murder victims in Detroit and Flint, like most places, are known by their killers.

I think what's so offensive about the column is that the writer was just so ... well ... intellectually lazy about it. If you want to write a columm about a city that's preoccupied with bringing in big events while hundreds of police openings go unfilled, then that's fair game. But this was plucked right off the "blow it out your left nostril" cheap shots shelf.

Sadly, it's probably indicative of the writer's approach to his alleged specialty, sports.