Thursday, April 30, 2009

A note about comments

Today I received a comment which started with this statement:

"Most likely, this comment isn't going to see the light of day, but here it is anyway ... the salaries are going to be what the salaries are. There's too many people who are out of work and need a job. It will be a personal decision as to whether they want to work for X wage or not. We'll go through the process and make our own decisions."

That's a rookie letter-to-the-editor trick to make sure a letter gets published. This blog has rarely, less than ten times in more than 1,000 comments, rejected comments submitted. For the record here is the criteria that will get your comment rejected:

1.) Obscenity
2.) Using someone's full name (there have been a couple exceptions)
3.) Direct or implied threats of violence to any person
4.) Comments so far off topic as to be ridiculous (so far, not happened)
5.) If you want more latitude to make outrageous statements, sign your name.

One new rule, as of today:

If you write something like: "I know this comment will likely never see the light of day..." it won't.


Anonymous said...

Fair enough Jim.
Now regarding the comment.
Yes your right; people will have to decide what they are willing to work for and yes the job market is very bleek to put it mildly. I really believe that that is why this is happening in the first place though. They know it and they're using it as an excuse.You can choose to believe that or not also. Depending on your situation though: you may have no choice.

Jim of L-Town said...

I love writing. I love journalism, but I would never do it for a living if the choice was to be paid at a level just above what a fast food worker makes.

In my life I have been a Navy sailor, sandblaster, police dispatcher and police officer and then reporter, but I would gladly go back to school to become a nurse instead of taking the "new" wages.

When the choice is "take it or leave it," I almost always leave it.

What the media companies will be left with are the young and inexperienced or those who simply have no other choice.

It does not bode well for the craft of journalism.

Just sayin'

But for the umpteenth time I will admit to being a dinosaur.

Anonymous said...

Well unlike you Jim; this business is all I know. I was told I had a guaranteed job for life. Now 20 some years later I am preparing for the worst. My plans of paying off all debt and early retirement are all but shattered. I am not looking for sympathy from anyone.I am however mad at myself for buying into this LIE. NOW they are hiring replacements to do jobs that the folks had been doing well for years. I have not heard of one "MANAGER" losing His/Her job in all of this and if there was I'm sure that they were a patsi for someone else. I do agree about going back to school though. It is never too late.