Friday, September 19, 2008

Doonesbury takes the buyout

Even Doonesbury is in the act. If you haven't been following the recent newspaper angst subject line at Doonesbury, you can at

Here's a link to my favorite cartoon panel, so far.

To see the whole series click on previous until you get to the beginning. It has also continued on a couple days past the above link.


MaryAnn Chick Whiteside said...

Thanks for linking to this comic. It is amazing how it captures many of my feelings.

I loved the line about celebrating by selling the house...if only that was an option around here.

Best laugh of the week since I opened the letter telling me what my company pension will be based on the assumption I will keep working for the company until I am 65. Of course, that would be impossible since I took the company's buyout offer :-)

Unknown said...

Back in '95 or '96 the Flint Journal pulled Doonesbury because they didn't like something.

I can't remember what it was. Do you?