Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Clueless ewspaper CEOS are the problem

If there was any doubt that newspaper managers were out of touch, this article certainly makes it abundantly clear.

And here's an update on the recent MLive.com news.


Anonymous said...

I agree!! Who decided in 2002 that building a $30 million printing press in Kzoo for 5-day color funnies was a good idea? Who?

Think of where all that money could have gone? A website that doesn't give you a headache? Copy editors? Reporters?

The higher-ups had their heads in the sand, and now a lot of talented reporters (and other staff) are out of a job. And there are less and less eyes and ears on our "leaders".

I got a better picture of Muskegon's school mess from FOX 17 than I got from Mlive. Aah!

Anonymous said...

"We would cover real news, and local government like we used to, if we only had the resources." How many times have I heard an editor say this. Well ... http://www.mlive.com/entertainment/bay-city/index.ssf/2012/06/michigans_best_bbq_mlive_team.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+baycity-news+%28Bay+City+News+-+MLive.com%29

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 10:05
OMG ......LOL

No real news, but BBQ and Coney contests. The problem is that if people weren't reading the stuff they write about, they wouldn't write about it. I'm pretty sure the state's best pizza will be next. What's that saying about fiddling while Rome burns?