Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another 'great' file photo use

This MLive story was pretty good about a person who walked into a lake while texting. The file photo selected almost made me laugh out loud. I guess David Copperfield is in charge of the photo desk as the new company wants to have the illusion of news photography without actually having it.

(Note: As of today (3/23) the photo has been replaced by a "courtesy photo" of the heroine. It appears that the news organization simply had the heroine send in their own photo. Better, but not great.)

Here's an idea from an old cop reporter: If you missed the event, you could at least take a photo of the hero in the story. Just a little suggestion.

(Thanks to an FFE reader for forwarding me the link).


Susan said...

I'm always tempted to step in front of someone who is walking while they send text messages. The gal who went into Lake Michigan sent one expensive message.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a lot of other people had the same opinion.lysch notervi