Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Blogging to slow

I know, blogging has already been slow. Not much going on in journalism land and we're off for a short vacation within our retirement to Indiana and then Up North. The house sitter will be here shortly and we are out of here.

For the next couple weeks you can follow (if you care) our adventures on my other blog We'll check in from there.

By the way, a friend took us to Port Huron for a ride on the Huron Lady II last Sunday. It was really enjoyable. A nice trip up and down the St. Clair River and a little excursion on Lake Huron. Cost was only $15 for a two-hour trip and it was well worth it.

Of course, any time I spend on the water is always worth it.

Also spent a little time enjoying watching the shipping lane from Vantage Point.

Sometimes you find little jewels right near home.


Anonymous said...

Jim, maybe enough time has passed and we are all getting used to the idea that journalism will never be what it was. Have you seen the controversy about the Black Panther movement in Pa and how nobody was covering it. What looks like a mainstream media coverup is really indicative of what has happened to the industry. People...this is not a cover up....there thousands of fewer journalists across the nation.

Those who are working (and God help you all) are mostly fresh out of college (cost and less and eager to have a job even with few benefits) and greenhorns.

This is the new world people...and as advertising revenue continues to fade (TV stations are right about where newspapers were a couple of years ago, not that TV ever uncovers much on its own) you are going to see less coverage. When you have to get as many local names in as possible, in order to sell papers in your community, you sometimes have to leave pesky stories like a night-stick carrying new black panther intimidating poll workers on the back burner.

Jim of L-Town said...

Let me do a little research about the event. But it does sound plausible that some news is not getting covered because of the lack of manpower.

Where I live everyone is complaining that none of the local stories is getting covered (county next to Flint). That is truly because of the lack of personnel at the paper and not anything else.

But I'll google the Panther controversy and see what is being said.