Friday, January 23, 2009

A word about information

Just a reminder for those who read this blog: If you are a Boothie and you enjoy coming here, don't do it from work. Any communications with me should be done from your home e-mail or from your cell or home phone.

Some believe there is a real hunger among management to find whoever is providing information to FFE.

This is, has been, and will be as long as you want, a forum about newspapers in general and Booth newspapers in particular. But I don't want anyone to lose their job or be disciplined because of it.

I have plenty of things I want to write about that do not include newspapers and am really ready to move on to those. Most of the folks I knew well at the Journal are now gone from there or will be shortly so the need for venting should soon slacken.

In the very near future I will be returning to California to honor my brother's memory and visit my two grown sons and granddaughter. Not to mention a little down time with my sister and cousin and blogging will drop off considerably then.

Soon after that, my wife will retire and we will be hitting the open road for frequent and extended trips to places that either one of both of us have never been. I hope to write about those travels and may start another blog for those.

My hope and prayer is that the Flint Journal will survive and thrive and that it will remain a life force in and around Flint. As we have discussed here at length I don't believe the current model or leadership will do that, but I'm open to being surprised.


Anonymous said...

Jim: As a Boothie I want to thank you for providing information that we certainly don't get from our company (although I'd say some papers are more open and direct than others about what's going on).
I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates your help in these difficult times. Best of luck to you and your wife on your new journey.

Anonymous said...

I don't see why your blogging would have to drop off just because you are coming to visit my brother and I. I believe we both have internet. You are more then welcome to make use of mine. Don't let it stop on our account.

Jim of L-Town said...

Thanks William, I'll take you up on that when I get there tomorrow.